Policy Corner

At Communities In Schools, we support students in ways that go beyond the classroom, helping them stay focused on graduating today, so they can go further tomorrow. We participate in policy discussions to ensure that lawmakers prioritize strategies, like integrated student supports, that empower young people to achieve in school and in life.

Policy makers want to hear from their constituents about what matters to their communities. Use the simple, secure form on this page to go #AllinforKids and take action to support our federal policy priorities.

Rethinking School Discipline

Missing class time for any reason has a negative impact on student achievement – and this includes time missed when a student is suspended or expelled from school. Research shows that these exclusionary discipline practices can also increase both the risk of dropping out and the likelihood of future involvement with the criminal justice system. Because of disparities in use of school discipline, these consequences disproportionately affect students of color and students with disabilities (1). Communities In Schools advocates for a shift in our approach to school discipline that addresses the underlying issues that affect student behavior so teachers can focus on teaching. When students are empowered with the appropriate supports to address the multiple barriers they may face and are provided with the necessary social emotional skills to self-regulate behavior, the need for disciplinary referrals can be reduced. This also improves the overall climate of a school (2). Thanks to this approach, ninety percent of our case-managed students met their behavior goals last school year (3).

Supporting Data

Disparities in discipline rates demonstrate the need for schools to address implicit biases that affect the use of exclusionary measures. Each year:

1U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, 2014 Civil Rights Data Collection: Data Snapshot (School Discipline)
The Aspen Institute, National Commission on Social, Emotional and Academic Development, Caring Communities: Linking School Culture and Student Development
3 Communities In Schools, 2018 Community Matters Report

Policy Brief

Every young person needs and deserves a safe place to learn and grow. Our school-based coordinators bring the right community resources into schools to ensure that school environments that are safe and inclusive of all students. Working with teachers and school leaders, Communities In Schools site coordinators implement key initiatives that improve school climate, resolve conflicts and prevent violence, and help students cope with trauma. We’ve made recommendations to lawmakers about improving school climate.

Preparing Students for College, Career, and Civic Engagement

Young people deserve to graduate from high school prepared to attend college, enlist in military service, or enter the workforce. Employers, college admissions counselors, and military recruiters want candidates who have the necessary technical skills, academic aptitude, and “soft skills” to be successful. Soft skills are taught through social emotional skill building, and they include problem solving, creativity, interpersonal communication, teamwork, collaboration. But in the U.S., nearly half of all students graduate high school without a clear path forward, unprepared to attend college or enter a career (1). Too many of these young people simply did not have access to opportunities to build the knowledge and skills required to graduate college and career ready. Students need better information, tools, hard and soft skills, and support services if they are to be more prepared for life after high school.

Supporting Data

A survey conducted by Communities In Schools and Gallup, Inc revealed that most adults do not think students are prepared for college or career (2). Participants identified social and life skills, assistance with financial planning, and career exploration activities as the most important supports that students need to be better prepared.

Research Brief

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is increasingly identified by the public, higher education professionals, and employers as an essential component of college and career readiness. This research brief provides an overview of SEL, describes the impact of SEL on student outcomes, and shares how Communities In Schools across the United States are leveraging SEL to help students graduate and live more fulfilling and healthy lives.

Preparing Students for

Reducing Chronic Absenteeism

Each year, more than 6.5 million students are likely to be absent from school often enough that it could have a significant impact on their academic performance. Chronic absenteeism, missing 10 percent or more school days per year, occurs at every grade level and in schools nationwide. The problem is particularly acute for students who face the most significant barriers, including students from low-income families, students of color, and students with disabilities. The prevalence of chronic absenteeism is a national crisis, and disparities among student groups underscore the need to better support all students to attend school. For many students, lack of food, health care, school supplies, clean and undamaged clothing, and even shampoo and soap can have a profound impact on their ability to attend school. Public-private partnerships with evidence-based providers, like Communities In Schools, can bring resources into schools to address barriers to learning, like attendance, and help create more opportunities for teachers and school leaders to focus on their core mission.

Supporting Data

Data Stat 1 U.S. Department of Education, Chronic Absenteeism in the Nation’s Schools
Data Stat 2 Communities In Schools, 2018 Community Matters Report
Chart 3 U.S. Department of Education, Chronic Absenteeism in the Nation’s Schools

Policy Brief

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides states and local education leaders with the opportunity to reimagine the potential of our education system, address chronic absenteeism, and make bold changes to ensure that more young people are prepared for the workforce and on a path to success in life. The law provides the necessary flexibility for states and local education agencies to implement more comprehensive strategies that reflect and meet the needs of students and their communities to reduce chronic absenteeism.  We’ve made policy recommendations to help state and local leaders take advantage of this opportunity.

Research Brief

In this research brief, we discuss the importance of school attendance, reasons that students are often absent from school, and how commonly reported school data can mask chronic absenteeism. We also provide information on how to work with students, families, and schools to increase student attendance, and highlights some of the whole-school and individual student attendance-focused interventions implemented by CIS in schools across the country.

Investing in the Success of our Students

Too often, schools lack the resources they need to provide students with the community of support that they need and deserve. And across the country, school leaders are facing urgent crises that keep young people from success, like school safety concerns and the effect of the opioid epidemic on students and families. Communities In Schools advocates for federal investments in the health, safety, and well-being of children. Thanks to the hard work of advocates across the country, funding for these critical programs was maintained or increased in the FY19 federal budget:

21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) grants support local school and community-based providers of afterschool and summer learning programs. This investment brings quality enrichment activities, like tutoring, STEM exploration and field trips, to more than 1.7 million children who attend resource-strapped schools in high-need communities that may not be able to provide these programs without this support.

Communities In Schools leverages 21st CCLC to provide afterschool and enrichment activities in schools nationwide, and many of the partners we collaborate with to align supports also rely on this funding. Eliminating 21st CCLC would make it more difficult for the at-risk students most in need of these services to access them.

2017 Communities In Schools and 21st Century Community Learning Centers: Supporting At-Risk Youth with Quality Enrichment

Cooperation for National and Community Service

The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) is a federal agency that helps millions of Americans improve the lives of their fellow citizens through volunteer service. CNCS works with local partners, like Communities In Schools, on a wide range of education and development projects, helping local communities tackle some of the most difficult challenges.

By enlisting millions of volunteers, these programs ensure the presence of caring adults in schools nationwide. In school-year 2015-16, AmeriCorps volunteers provided over 500,000 hours of service to Communities In Schools, working directly with students as mentors and tutors.

2017 Communities In Schools and National Service: Changing Lives through Relationships

Title IV Part A: Student Support And Academic Research Grants

Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) grants provide flexibility for school districts to make investments in initiatives that reflect the needs of their students. This new block grant, created by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), will empower districts to make meaningful, strategic decisions about which schools have the greatest need or have been identified for improvement. Funds can be used by schools in three broad areas: 1) Providing students with a well-rounded education; 2) Supporting safe and healthy students; and 3) Supporting the effective use of technology.

Communities In Schools, Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants

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Communities In Schools of Northwest Indiana, 100 W Chicago Ave. Suite G, East Chicago, IN 46312

Tel: 219-378-9114

Fax: 219-398-9118