PASSport to Student Success
The PASSport to Student Success program, which stands for Parent Assuring Student Success, is a family self-help program that shows parents what they can do to help their children succeed. With an easy-to-follow approach, the PASSport program covers seven essential study skills: concentration, listening, time management, note-taking, memory, thinking, and reading.
Families Building Better Readers
The Families Building Better Readers’ construction theme adds an element of fun to the event for parents and children. Every parent will receive a “toolkit” that includes reading activities to do with children at home. During breakout sessions, each activity is demonstrated by effective trainers and practiced by parents. A parallel children’s workshop involves children in rich reading experiences while parents attend breakout sessions. At the end of the workshop, families enjoy a play performed by their children that reviews workshop content followed by a read-aloud demonstration.
Mysteries In The Middle
Mysteries in the Middle (MnM) is an engaging reading workshop for middle school parents, teachers, and students. It brings schools and families together to actively participate in a fun but a meaningful learning experience. Participants are welcomed to the workshop’s “Hollywood sound stage” where, for the next 2 1/2 hours, they watch and take part in the mock filming of a made-for-TV pre-teen movie thriller entitled “Mysteries in the Middle”. As the plot thickens, clues about the mysterious disappearance of Hometown Middle School’s mascot are revealed as participants take part in reading strategy rehearsals. When it’s discovered that the last page of the script is missing, the participants try to solve the caper using their newfound reading skills.
Nurturing Parenting
A workshop that helps parents learn new ways to show love and build the self-esteem of their children.
Can We Talk?
“Can We Talk?” provides parents with the information they need to prepare their child to say “no” to risky behaviors and say “yes” to a successful school and family life. We understand that the issues around sex, drugs, and violence are very complex for both an adult and a 4th grader. This is where “Can We Talk?” becomes an important resource.
Reaching the Hardest to Involve Parents
Reaching the Hardest-to-Involve Parents is a turnkey training program that shows educators and parents how to organize for action by creating a Parent Partnership Team; plan and implement strategies to remove the barriers parents face in being more involved with the school, and evaluate the success of the efforts.
Parents and Teacher Talking Together
Learn how to engage in a dialogue between the two groups who know what’s best for students: parents and teachers. Together, we will discuss what we want for students and develop an action plan to make it happen. This can be a train-the-trainer workshop or a facilitated event. This training promotes wonderful discussion between parents and educators and helps everyone involved work together for the good of students.
Resources for Parents
- S.T.A.R.S Mentoring
- Youth PLUS
- Charting for Success Leadership Academy
- 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program
- School City of East Chicago
- Center for Educational Pathways
- Lakeshore Public Television
- WTTW/Windows to the World
- Smithsonian Institute
- National Gallery of Art
- Crayola
- South Shore Arts
- Northwest Indiana Community Action
Computers & Technology
Health & Wellness
Financial Skills

Tel: 219-378-9114
Fax: 219-398-9118