S.T.A.R.S. Mentoring
About The Program
The mission of CISOFLC S.T.A.R.S (Successful Teens Achieving Right Solutions) Mentoring Program is to develop structured, trusting relationships with adult mentors who will provide students with ongoing guidance and support through high school graduation and into the students chosen path of postsecondary education.
What is a mentor?
A Mentor is someone who, along with parents, provides young people with support, counsel, friendship, reinforcement and constructive example. Mentors are good listeners, people who care and people who want to help young people bring out their strengths.
What does a mentor do?
A Mentor helps connect children and youth with resources, safe places and structured activities. Mentors provide a positive role model.
Who needs a mentor?
All children can benefit from positive role models, however many children do not have any positive role models in their lives and need someone like you.
Research Shows Mentoring Successfully:
- Increases the self-esteem of young people
- Increases student academic success
- Increases positive social interaction by youth
- Reduces the risk that young people will use illegal drugs
- Reduces the risk that youth will begin using alcohol and
- Reduces the risk that students will skip school

Tel: 219-378-9114
Fax: 219-398-9118